Key features
- A square wave unipolar electropulsator
- Integrated software to control electrical pulses with an intelligent evaluation system of pulses delivery
- A re-usable and autoclavable hand-held electrodes in L-form (optional: needle electrodes and plate electrodes)
- A foot-switch to charge the electroporator and control delivery of electrical pulses
- USB port and 16GB USB stick included to store processed log files in order to keep all the information related to a treatment (pulses delivered, voltage, intensity, duration, etc.) and to update features of the electrical pulses
- An "Alt Settings" button to activate a second defined electrical protocol
- Power connector: allows the product to be connected using a standard power cable, and provides a local ON/OFF switch
- Electrocardiogram connector: ensure that the pulses are delivered only when the heart ventricles open
- Facade display with a unique treatment number for each session and provides contextual information on the operation of the device
- 1 blue LED: lights up when the power is on
- 1 green LED: lights when the electrical impulses are delivered correctly
- 1 orange LED: lights up when the unit loads capacitors before releasing pulses
- 1 red LED: lights up when the electrical impulses are not properly released
- 2 short beeps: sounds when electrical pulses are delivered correctly
- 1 long beep: sounds when the electrical impulses were not properly issued